Ada Lovelace Mission Statement

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Ada Lovelace, the first programmer in history; indeed, she will not be the last. In fact, quite the contrary has taken place after 1837, as there now exists over 19 million programmers across the globe. Just as surmisable, I concur that my involvement and investment in scientific computing and problem-solving to be indefinite. Finite with Lovelace's inquisition of math, I involve myself in extra-curricular activities that will serve to aid me in achieving my lifetime goals: being a leader at Intel or NVIDIA. The thought of being able to work with some of the top companies in the IT industry is unimaginable, yet I am capable of doing so. To establish my drive and achieve my goals, I have positioned myself in clubs and extra courses that I find will aid me in my quest. Such clubs that I have taken a role in are those that gear members to develop independent and collaborative thinking skills. One of those clubs, DECA, has devoted its mission to ensuring the youth of today will succeed tomorrow. As a part of its mission statement, it offers scholarships, conventions, leadership meetings, and even community connection activities to assure its members receive the best outcome. My involvement in this club goes beyond being a member; I participate as an officer, donate my time to the community, and compete nationwide to display my skills as a leader. As a …show more content…

Technology is complicated, but to those who participate in the organization, it is just another aspect of life. The implications surrounding the club are designed to help young adults practice their mitigation skills in such a technology driven environment- advancing knowledge in a quickly changing world. While one sequence of code finishes, I am beginning a new one. Participation in the club has provided me with the tools to handle myself in various technical situations, one of which involves ethical hacking if need