Ada Lovelace Research Paper

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If you have a computing device or a smart phone, then you should thank and give credit to Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace better known as Ada Lovelace. Ada is known for her outstanding and exceptional work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, she developed the first algorithm to be processed by a machine, and she is the very first computer programmer. She is also the architect of the very first computer program. Ada’s father George Gordon Byron also known as Lord Byron was an English Nobleman, poet, politician, and a leading figure in the Romantic movement. Ada’s mother Anne Isabella Noel Byron more commonly known as Lady Byron was a well-educated woman, a philosopher, and mathematician. She had a passion for math. The two …show more content…

Babbage invited the young gifted lady and her mother Lady Byron to a party in 1833. Ada was around 17 years old. About the same time Babbage met Ada and her mother, he had already begin designing what he called the Analytical Engine. The Analytical Engine is what defined Ada career. Ada and her mother Lady Byron got an opportunity to see Babbage reveal his Difference Engine. It was the most elaborate calculator ever designed . Babbage begin to show the audience how the Difference Engine worked, and Ada was amazed of the calculation element of the engine had and her inquiring mind wanted to know more about it. Ada attended many of Babbage parties and was given many opportunities to study the Difference Engine and the newer model he had been working on as well. Babbage, who went on to become Ada’ s very great friend and mentor. Babbage could not help but to notice Ada’s taste and fascination for mathematics and with his guidance she began studying advanced mathematics. Babbage referred to her as “The Enchantress of Number". Ada also begin to study Babbage layout for the Analytical Engine in depth, until she became an expert on its mechanisms. She was able to learn in detail how the Analytical Engine would work. Later she went on a trip with her mother and discovered how the jacquard loom would work with Babbage’s