Back at the beginning of life and the creation of family, at a time after the Flood when the population of the earth was renewed, Israel became a nation and the nation had a mission: to become an example of the way life was supposed to work before Adam and Eve screwed up! A lot of time was devoted to the education of Israel, and the idea that, with education, the nation would cooperate with a successful plan! They were given some rules to follow, and some pitfalls to avoid. Along with the rules came the admonition, "Choose life!"
Any adult with rational thought would presume that choosing life was exactly what a sensible person would do, but the truth is, that the expectation of holding one's breath through the tough times vs. doing what feels good in the minute didn't have a chance! When pushed to the limit, people generally do what they want to do. And so, by default, we choose death.
Although the facts about a spirit world invisible
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The story of Adam and Eve in the garden being outsmarted by the sneaky snake is such a common oral tradition, that modern folks who see themselves as enlightened may consider it an allegory, rather than an accurate recording of fact. Indeed, for the purposes of this study, the point is that the Creator planned a rewarding and creative style of life for His children. As in the story of the two trees in the garden (Genesis 3-4) the original plan was that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would not be available to individuals. Instead of using free will for experimenting with God's instructions for successful life, the original plan presumed