Adaptation: Chimpanzee, Gorilla And Human

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Adaptation is a trait developed within a species for the survival and the reproduction of an organism in its present environment. In this work, we are going to answer key questions on hands traits common to Chimpanzee, gorilla and human. The body will mainly focus on what makes this trait an adaptation, how the trait evolved; e.g., mutation, genetic drift, migration and/or natural selection. What is the difference between homologous and analogous traits? How does the trait of choice fit either of these descriptions? What is convergent and divergent evolution? Whether the trait is a result of convergent or divergent evolution.

Chimpanzee, gorilla, human all have in common prehensile hands unlike the other mammals.

Describe what makes this trait an adaptation

Primitive primates were quadrupeds just like the bear in the past but with time they started developing prehensilehands thatallow them to pick fruit, use stones for crushing nuts and kills insects and small animals for food. As some stop living in the trees their hands started developing fully into the hands human have today. The other primates such as the chimpanzee and the gorilla stayed in …show more content…

The thumb in human is place is opposite to the other fingers in such a way that it can manipulates any tools or objects. In the gorilla two hands can be bent on the palm so as to holds big branches and small object. However gorilla unlike human and chimpanzee cannot hold tools. And even though chimpanzee holds tools it cannot make it on its own.” Primates generally have five digits on each limb (pentadactyly), with keratin nails on the end of each finger and toe. The bottom sides of the hands and feet have sensitive pads on the fingertips. Most have opposable thumbs, a characteristic primate feature, though not limited to this order, (opossums and koalas, for example, also have them)]. Thumbs allow some species to use tools ”.

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