Key Differences Between Chimpanzees And Bonobos

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Chimpanzees and Bonobos are both two completely different species of apes and they have several key differences that make each of them distinct. For one, Chimps are much more aggressive towards each other. They fight and even murder other chimps. Bonobos are much more peaceful towards one another. Another major difference between the two apes is that Bonobos are controlled by females, which means that Bonobos are run by Polyandrous social structures. Chimpanzees are the opposite, they are run by a Polygynous social structure. This means that they are run by one Alpha male in a group of females. This is probably because Chimps have a society that is built on power, and Bonobos are probably so peaceful because their behavior revolves around sex. Another key difference is how Bonobos and Chimps react when they greet or interact with another group. Chimps will usually go around patrolling their territory and if anyone intrudes their area, they viciously attack or kill intruders. Bonobos on the other hand, meet each other with peace. This means that chimps are very violent and are involved with warfare, while Bonobos cooperate with each other peacefully …show more content…

Bonobos have revealed a lot of information about the early development of human behavior. For example, Bonobo’s have been known to assist injured members of their groups, just like humans do with each other. But, not only do they help themselves, they have been known to rescue and help other species of animals as well. Bonobos represent one of our two behaviors. We have a peaceful caring side, and we have a warfare and violent side. Bonobos represent our more gentler side. Humans engage in lots of peaceful behaviors like trade, making friendships, and cooperation with one another. Humans branched away from Bonobos, Chimps, and a common ancestor millions of years ago. This may explain why we have both peaceful and violent