Adaptive Behavior Assessment

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Adaptive Behavior Assessment To measure adaptive behavior, the examiner administered the Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R) assessment. The scores reported below represent age equivalents while Kael’s age of 11 years 2 months determined the norm. Clusters Subtests Age Equivalents Age-Level Tasks Will Be Motor Skills 9-7 Manageable Gross Motor 11-6 Fine Motor 8-10 Social/Communication 11-0 Manageable Social Interaction 10-1 Language Comprehension 9-9 Language Expression 12-6 Personal Living 8-6 Difficult Eating 8-6 Toileting 12-4 Dressing 9-7 Self-Care 7-10 Domestic Skills 4-3 Community Living 12-1 Manageable Time Punctuality 11-7 Money Value 13-9 Work Skills 10-10 Home/Community 11-8 Broad …show more content…

In the Eating and Meal Preparation subtest, Kael’s performance exhibited his performance as average for his age, even though his age-equivalency equaled 8-6. This subtest covers basic use of kitchen appliances, mixing a cooking a recipe, and making meals from leftovers, and shows the preparedness for Kael to begin assisting in planning and preparing meals for his family. In addition, the Toileting subtest scores revealed Kael at a high average for his age due to caring for himself bathroom. Kael also displayed age level preparedness on the Dressing Skills subtest where he successfully selects and puts on appropriate clothing, and ties his own shoelaces. Regarding basic hygiene, Kael’s Personal Self-Care subtest scored displayed him as low average for tasks. Last, Kael’s performance on the Domestic Skills subtest shows him below average on tasks such as cleaning up after himself, washing dishes, taking the trash outside, and sweeping with a score comparable to an individual at the age of …show more content…

Kael’s performance score displayed a comparable age of 12-1, the highest of all the clusters. First, skills involving stating the time on an analog and digital clock, setting timers when cooking, and arriving within 5 minutes of the required time revealed Kael scored average for his age on the Time and Punctuality Skills subtest. However, on the Money and Value subtest, Kael showed as high average for his age at an age of 13-9. This subtest reveals Kael has the ability to successfully determine the value of money, budgets money to cover expenses, and select the less expensive of two products. While Kael has already begun writing deposit and withdrawal slips for banking, he demonstrates readiness to continue this task. Within the Work Skills subtest, Kael revealed at his age level for task such as working at a steady pace for at least thirty minutes and accepting criticism without showing anger. Last, his performance on the Home/Community Orientation subtest displayed as at his age level of these tasks, which involve going at least four blocks from home and giving directions to