Addiction Vs Anger Management

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It’s clear that people with addictions have seriousissues. In most cases, they have emotional or trauma issues that cause them to medicate their minds and bodies with harmful substances. By eliminating the ability to feel, they deal with their problems the best way they know how. By the time they want treatment and recovery from their addiction, their illness progresses to the point they might need psychological treatment, even anger management counseling.

Of all the issues you are dealing with, your anger issues, if any exist, deserve immediate attention. Anger has a way of permeating someone’s life until friends and family are lost forever. Anger also has a way of progressing to the point where innocent people get hurt and laws get broken. …show more content…

If you have stand-alone anger management issues, you would seek help from a psychologist or counselor at the very least. Addiction issues require the help of trained professionals who have experience dealing with addiction clients. When both problems exist simultaneously, you would seek help from someone, somewhere who treats both issues at the same time.

Addiction and anger management treatment are similar in many ways. Both require a significant amount of invested time before progress becomes evident. Both require a focus on the individual’s emotions and innermost feelings. Both require the attending psychologist or counselor to get to the root causes before a significant change can be made. Treating one without addressing the other will result in failure. Finally, both issues require the individual to obtain the life skills and coping capabilities necessary to keep things in check.

The question remains, “Where can you get treatment for both your addiction and anger issues at the same time?” The reality is you might have some difficulty finding a place that deals with both addiction and anger issues. The best chance you have for finding the right treatment facility requires you to look for a place that treats addiction as the primary illness with a secondary focus on “dual diagnosis” treatment. At Healing Springs Ranch, we are proficient at treating both issues …show more content…

We believe this is one of the reasons why so many people suffer one relapse after another. Our "Integrated Addiction Model (IAM)" treatment program establishes the basis for a lasting recovery.

Here's how it works. The IAM is structured around three primary components: the 12 step principles, a trauma Model and functional medicine practices. Through an intensive interview process, we work with the client on a mission of self-discovery. The goal is to identify the residing trauma and any anger management issues that are included. We also strive to address the client's overall wellness, meaning their soul and spirit.

Once the core issues are identified, we begin the process of developing a customized and personalized treatment program that includes therapy and problem-solving. The end goal is to leave our clients with the coping skills they will need to maintain a healthy recovery, void of any relapses. In fact, the success of our program is determined by our ability to place our clients firmly and permanently on the road to

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