
Adlerian Analysis: Fleet Foxes

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Adlerian Analysis: Introduction The band Fleet Foxes, created in 2006, is a folk band from Washington that has been a popular and well known music group for the last ten years. Their influence has struck a variety of people ranging from young adolescents to older individuals. The album that I will use is called “Helplessness Blues” which contains the popular song “Helplessness Blues”. The song itself is very reminiscent of old school folk music, which is very existential in nature, but with a bigger feeling sound. The tone and layering of the band’s vocals and instruments creates a sense of introspection in the individual as intended by the artist. The song poses a lot of messages regarding a shift of reality or acknowledgement of two forms …show more content…

His theory focuses on relationships and individual personality. There are six simplified sections of Adler’s theory listed in the Theories of Personality textbook written by Jess Feist. Firstly, Adler suggests that all psychological phenomena are unified within the individual in a self consistent manner (Feist 1990). There is a goal to each type of action, whether inwardly or outwardly. Secondly, subjective perceptions of the individual shape behaviors and personality (Feist 1990). Each person lives by the reality, or fiction, that they experience, which can be the same thing but experienced differently. For example, two kids swinging on a swing set may be performing the same activity but one of the kids may be experiencing an immense state of fear whereas the other kid may be experiencing a state of overflowing joy. Thirdly, Adler suggests that one dynamic force behind a person’s activities is the striving for success or superiority concept (Feist 1990). Striving for success is inclusive of people around the individual while superiority focus solely on the individual’s betterment with the risk of hurting others. Fourthly, the usefulness of all human activity must be seen as from the viewpoints of social interest (Feist 1990). This is more so involved with a general interest with people from an individual. This interest is developed by the fifth concept of Adler’s theory, which is a person’s style of life (Feist 1990). For him, style of life is a driving mechanism for the individual’s personality. Finally, this style is developed by the individual’s creative power, which is this concept that people do have control over their lives and are responsible for ourselves (Feist 1990). These six concepts mentioned are necessary to be listed as they are intertwined tightly with one

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