Administrator Interview Paper

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Administrators have a responsibility to assure that all students are engaged in learning equitably in school. Educators must recognize the individuality of students and structure classroom activities to promote equality of educational outcomes for each student and between diverse groups of students. In providing educational opportunities to undeserved and under- represented student populations, administrators must eliminate educational barriers that involve race/ethnicity, gender, color, disability, and age to foster academic achievement of all students.
Organizational Leader and Environment
The administrator interviewed is a middle school principal in the Detroit, Michigan school district. She has served in a leadership capacity in the field of education for over thirty years. The middle school is comprised of 98 percent of minority students, 98 percent of Caucasian teachers, and two percent Asian teachers. The principal’s leadership style is ethical and authentic, and she is a very team-oriented leader.
Interview Questions The first question asked was, “How do you promote cultural competency within the school environment?” All my teachers undergo cultural competency training which includes a self-assessment, …show more content…

Most of our students migrated from the south and were limited in reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. As these challenges were identified, I had to implement additional training for staff to learn how to teach the identified struggling students through differentiated teaching strategies and through the use of technology (i.e., learning software and educational programs) designed to make learning fun for students. I also went into the classrooms to model appropriate teaching strategies for teachers that struggled with teaching at-risk students. This helped teachers to grapple and grow through the process and to connect with students having difficulty