Adolescents Vs Toddlers Research Paper

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Teenagers vs. Toddlers When one thinks about toddlers and teengers they would not think that they would be anything alike. Teens are more “mature” than little kids. However, teens and little more alike than they are different. While teens are older and are able to do a lot more than smaller children they both have many mood swings and a thirst for independence. However, teens do have more common sense whether they use it or not. Any adult that has come into contact with a teen can vouch that they are constantly trying to prove their independence. They are stuck in this mind set that they are already adults and can do whatever they want whenever they want. However they cannot because they do not understand everything about the world. Toddlers are somewhat the same way because they too want their independence. They do not want to have to rely on their parents to do everything for them. According to an article featured in Yahoo news, “A toddler is beginning to develop a sense of identity—that can be sometimes seen when the child says ‘no.’ He’s really saying ‘I’m my own person here.’ …show more content…

It is often expected out of toddlers mostly because they are young and do not understand the word “no”. So when they are told that they cannot do something they tend to throw a temper tantrum. Often, parents tell a child no because whatever they want to do is dangerous and the kids have a possibility to get hurt. However, teens are also guilty of mood swings. Teens typically expect that they can have whatever social life they would like, but if their parents tell them that they cannot go out once they all of a sudden become the worst parents ever. Sometimes they will throw a fit and scream at their parents that they “hate them”. Toddlers will sometimes also tell their parents how much they hate them. However while they are similar, teens and little kids are different in some ways