Adolf Hitler Eugenics Research Paper

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Adolf Hitler once said, “Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized." While Hitler was ruling, he attempted to wipe out any people who were deemed undesirable and create a master race. Humans that were disabled, had mental disabilities, and did not have the right look were killed only leaving those who has desirable traits. This idea of weeding out the weak and only letting the strong repopulate is called eugenics. While Hitler caused this branch of science to fall out of favor with the public, he did not create it. The idea of perfecting the human race stemmed from America, particularly California, decades before Hitler's rise to power. During the early 1900's especially the 1920's eugenics was sweeping across …show more content…

A more scientific explanation would be that eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, first hypothesized about eugenics. He theorized that if talented people only married other talented people, the result would be a measurably better offspring. (Bouche & Rivard). In theory, eugenics doesn't sound like a crime against humanity or a terrible idea. Having a world with no weakness sounds appealing to many people which is why eugenics had such a large following for the early 1900's. If eugenics had really taken off there could have been some good to come out of it. There would be no more discrimination and no more fighting about race. A world without disease, where everyone fits in, and each person has what they need to survive sounds wonderful. However, this perfect world that eugenics would create does come with its drawbacks. With all the problems eugenics would have solved it also would have created many more. To gain perfection among humanity would mean sacrificing our individuality. Everyone would share many similarities which would cause all people to look alike. Humans would lose their difference, what makes people special and unique. Eugenics would also cause a major population drop as the only way to perfect the human race would be to have them be sterilized or the faster way, kill those who were

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