Pros And Cons Of Eugenics

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Since the beginning of time, a common goal of the human race was to improve themselves. When presented with the opportunity, the temptation is too hard to resist. And the concept is definitely not a new one. When Prometheus appeared in Greek Mythology and stole fire from Zeus, it symbolized man taking his survival and his improvement in his own hands. In fact, many scientists and researchers believe they are doing the same. However, our quest to perfect the human race is detrimental as it leads to eugenics and racism, goes against the morals and values of our society and negatively affects our evolution. The history of murder and sterilization undertook due to race hygiene and the “improvement” of the human species is horrendous. There is no sensible person who is in the favour of eugenics, yet not many realize that this is exactly what is being encouraged. Starting from the “dark heart” of Hitler and his Nazis, it is integrated into race ideology even today. People are obsessed with finding the “perfect” human, who would be the one who decides what the “perfect” human looks like. Every single person and every single culture has their own idea of what the perfect human is. For example, in some …show more content…

Scientists have made it a goal to purify the human race of genetic defects and remove unwanted preborn individuals before they go through a life of illness or disability. Scientists feel that they know what is best for society and by making the costs more reasonable they have already begun to “purify”. According to a Pediatric Geneticist at Children’s Hospital Boston, “An estimated 92% of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome choose to terminate their pregnancy. Where our ethics and morals when we decide that the baby, who will live a full life, is not enough for the