Arguments Against Eugenics

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Even though artificial genetic selection is not available for humans yet; it is being done on plants and other living things. Which is the next step in order for it to be done on humans. There is controversy on the idea of genetic engineering on people even though it isn’t even a reality yet. Arguments made about the idea of eugenics are it should be allowed for people to do because people should be able to do what they want with their family, that is shouldn’t be allowed because it is a way of playing and going against what “god” wants, and that it would benefit society because it could help get rid of serve medical conditions that can cut people’s lifespan dramatically. But, neither of those are the stance that I take personally I believe …show more content…

This essentially means taking the genes of parents to create the upmost superior offspring between the two of them. This can be used to determine a whole variety traits and qualities such as sex, eye color, hair color, and much more. Along with give an offspring particular traits that could be considered more attractive genetic engineering can be used to eliminate anything that could be considered a weakness. Weakness such as mental illnesses, physical disabilities, and almost any kind of medical condition that could be undesirable. Don’t get this confused with artificial insemination that just involves joining sperm and egg and inserting it into a woman’s uterus because a couple is unable to conceive by other means. It does not involve choosing specific traits in order to make a couple’s child more desirable. But, since artificial genetic selection is such a huge advancement in technology it is going to be expensive for the people who choose this method to have their child(ren). This in order creates not only people being categorized as being more attractive but also it creates a problem of status that if a child was created without technology they are considered poor and undesirable because of their

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