Adolf Hitler Research Paper

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Adolf Hitler came to power as leader of the National Socialist German Workers party in 1933. He then implemented many new societal changes such as curfews, anti-semitism, concentration camps, and many others. During his reign Hitler displayed signs of charisma, capability, promise, and had a plan for the future. For these reasons, he garnered the support of German citizens. While rising to power in a struggling economy, Hitler displayed signs of capability and power while implementing a new superior race, social changes, new opinions, and many new dictums; but soon fell from power and killed himself while the Axis Powers stormed Berlin. In order to maintain the pure blood lines, Adolf Hitler used fixed stereotypes and Social Darwinism to …show more content…

Kristallnacht, also known as “night of broken glass”, was initiated by Ernst Vom Rath’s death. On September 7, 1938 a 17-year old Jewish boy named Herschel Grynszpan found out his parents had been expelled along with many others. Herschel then went and murdered Vom Rath who was a German Embassy official stationed in Paris. In retaliation, Hitler Youth and many Nazi radicals went out into Germany, crossed over into Austria and Czechoslovakia and destroyed Jewish synagogues, businesses and killed many men. “SA and Hitler youth units throughout Germany and it’s annexed territories engaged in the destruction of Jewish-owned homes and businesses.” (Schwab 5) Over 267 synagogues were destroyed, They shattered 7,500 Jewish shop windows and shot any Jews on sight.Berlin and Vienna are where the worst of it occurred. SA men attacked Jews in their houses and forced them to commit public humiliation. 91 Jews were reported dead and 30,000 males were arrested. There are also several police reports of rape and suicide during and after Kristallnacht. In the aftermath, SA officers forced the Jews to clean up and they had to pay for their repairs on their shops and homes. As for the men arrested, they were sent to concentration camps where two out of three would be dead. Through these chains of events and this horrifying night, Hitler made an example of the Jews and gave people a reason to live in