Discrimination In Japanese Internment Camps

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The Japanese Internment camps were a product of discrimination. This is the same for the Concentration Camps in Europe. One would cause the deaths of millions of people. The other would cause the government to apologise to the people in the camps, and give 20,000 dollars in reparations. Executive Order 9066 was one of the reasons that Internment camps were out in place. The other reason was the surprise air raid of Pearl Harbor. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the person who put it into action because of bad leadership and public opinion. The Pearl Harbor attack created even more racism towards Japanese Americans. During a time period of 35 years(1889-1924) there were over 200,000 Japanese immigrants that came into the U.S. With a threat of loss jobs on mostly white controlled farms. There were actions to limit Japanese opportunities. The camp’s rations were much better than the ones offered in Europe. There were daily changes to the meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. On Monday the food served for breakfast was as follows: french toast with syrup, milk, stewed dried fruit, farina with hot milk, and cocoa. Their homes and businesses had to sold. Many, because the order was put in place so quickly, at a fraction of the actual market value. The lives of many changed with the transition from the West Coast to the Midwest. They were not allowed to live in …show more content…

In 1933 the Nazis led a nation wide Jewish business boycott. Many Jewish businesses were vandalized. Rocks were thrown at windows. Three years before the U.S. would join the war-1938- the beginning of the end for millions would occur. Kristallnacht or Crystal Night was when ,Germans angry because of the assassination of German Diplomat Ernst vom Rath, rioted. In this they destroyed windows of Jewish synagogues, buildings, stores, and ended the lives of over 91 people. 30,000 people were arrested and put in Concentration