Jewish Concentration Camps In Ww2 Essay

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The Holocaust
Six million Jewish lives were taken by the Germans during World War II. Most Jews were put in concentration camps that had little to no food, beaten, and forced into labor. Also during that time, there was a group called Kristallnacht, that hated the Jews very much. They killed Jews throughout Germany and Austria on the night of November 9, 1938. their property was destroyed. Also, during Hitler’s reign, he targeted Gypsies, people with disabilities, the Polish, homosexuals, and anyone they thought didn't fit the Nazis idea of social normalness.
The Jewish people of Germany and Poland were mistreated. They were told that they had a strict curfew to begin with. As time went on, they lost more and more of their rights. Moving on, they were put on food rations which meant that they only get a limited amount of food they were allowed to intake or have. At the same time, they were facing a shortage of food. The Germans thought he wouldn’t restrict the stores that the Jewish people could shop at. A couple …show more content…

They were considered racially inferior by the Germans. The Gypsies were often deported and sent to labor camps. And were subject to mass murder just like the jewish people were. They were forced to do hard labor and lived in harsh living conditions. When the Gypsies first entered Auschwitz; one of the many killing camps. Every person was inspected by a physician very quickly and asked whether or not they would be sent to the gas chamber, labors, or some were even chose to be used in medical experiments. One of the Medical experiments that was carried out on the Roma and Jewish people was. The German air force and from the German Experimental Institution for Aviation conducted high-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to the ground