Adrienne Rich Research Paper

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Throughout the centuries, literature has been used by writers to leave a significant change in the world. Poets and essayists use their literary works to bring different perspectives to the minds of people today, and even 100 years from now. Literature has the ability to change lives, that is, if the audiences are willing to allow it to do so. Adrienne Rich has used her poetry to try and influence a change in modern day society in an attempt to make the world a better place. Adrienne Rich is known as one of the most influential female writers of the 21st century, and her work expresses the central idea of feminism and equality in the world.

The Post-Modern/Contemporary Era was the time period in which Adrienne Rich wrote. The term “postmodernism” …show more content…

Rich took part in numerous things during this time, such as the Antiwar Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Women’s Right’s Movement. Rich wrote about these things in her literature in an attempt to try and change what was going on in the world at this time. Rich was a women’s activist, and during this time period, she worked hard alongside many other women’s rights activists to achieve equality for women in not only just the United States, but the world. This time period was a large, and recognizable, influence on Rich’s writing. For example, in Adrienne’s poem, “Trying to Talk with a Man,” speaks a great deal about feminism, which is something that Rich felt strongly …show more content…

In 1981, she received the fund for the Human Dignity Award of the National Gay Task Force. At this time in society, Adrienne Rich was an inspiration for lesbian and gay people everywhere, so they recognized her for her bravery. However, Richś lesbianism is not the only thing that she became more proud of throughout the years. Rich became more proud of her Jewish heritage, and she wrote about it in her 1986 poem, ¨Your Native Land, Your Life.” 11 years after the publishing of this poem, Rich became the first person ever to refuse the National Medal of Arts. Bill Clinton, president at the time, had planned to end government funding for the arts. Rich disapproved of this, therefore she refused this award. This is an example of the extent that Rich went to do stand up for what she believed in, and it helped to make her exceptional as an individual. Adrienne Rich then went on to live the rest of her life with her partner Michelle Cliff, and together they worked to end discrimination in the world. Rich died on March 27, 2012 in her home in Santa Cruz, California. Her death is tragic because she was one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, and she changed the way people perceive things as a society. She pulled people closer together and essentially made the world a better place while doing