Advanced Life Support Case Study

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1.Introduction 1.1. Back ground
Advanced life support is a set of life saving protocol and skills that extend basic life support to further support the circulation, provide an open-air way and adequate ventilation. It is performed a combined with cardiopulmonary resuscitation; therefor, if patient eligible for advance life support; for instance, patient with cardiac arrest, you have should to consider the need of chest compression, air way clearance and artificial ventilation. Advance life support majorly contains tracheal intubation with rapid sequence induction, transcutaneous pacing, intravenous cannulation, advance medication administration, advanced cardiac life support, pediatrics advance life support and pre-hospital trauma life support [Dallas, Jams Wann,2003] (1). Advanced life support is revised since 2010, which emphasis on continuous un interrupted chest compression, and less emphasis on air way and breathing, which means chest compression, airway and breathing (CAB) a combined with advanced drug administration, pressure ventilation and cardiac defibrillation [AHA,2010] (2). If advanced life …show more content…

Medical staff should have good knowledge about advanced life support before undergoing advanced drug administration, rapid sequence intubation and cardiac resuscitation. It is very important that every medical personnel [Doctor, Anesthesia, paramedics and Nurses] who are prone to emergency should have stand by everywhere and time to save life, and improve the quality of cardiac resuscitation. At least the Doctors, anesthesia, Paramedics and Nurses staff must be predetermined about the need of resuscitation, by considering risk factors like hypoxia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, acidosis and traumas. Because frequently facing life threatening situations [Boonmak P, Boonmak S,2004]