Advanced Life Support

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1.Introduction 1.1. Back ground
Advanced life support is a set of life saving protocol and skills that extend basic life support to further support the circulation and provide an open-air way and adequate ventilation. It includes tracheal intubation rapid sequence induction, cardiac defibrillation, transcutaneous pacing, intravenous cannulation, advance medication administration, advanced cardiac life support, pediatrics advance life support and pre-hospital trauma life support [Dallas, Jams Wann,2003] (1).
Advance cardiac life support is a clinical intervention for urgent treatment of cardiac arrest it contains cardio pulmonary resuscitation, advanced drug administration, AED and surgical therapy.
Advanced life …show more content…

Creating awareness and educating medical staff is very essential to prevent delay in starting resuscitation. Owing to the fact that medical staff frequently be come first responders in hospital cardiac arrests therefor successful resuscitation is a reflection of their knowledge and attitude of resent advanced life support guidelines.
The global medical council recommends that medical personals {Doctor, anesthetic, paramedics and, nurses} should have adequate knowledge and skills to manage common acute emergencies however, the knowledge and attitude in those personals are questionable due to the lack of objective assessment tools {Rajaram R, Rajagopaln R, January,9 /12/1997} (9).

In the year 2000, a meeting of international experts was convened in Geneva, Switzerland, by WHO to discuss how to strengthen Advanced Life Support around the world, specialy in low income and middle-income country. The group decided to write document that could assist policy makers in implementing highly economically but effective Advanced life support system. Community member in Africa and South America have been successfully trained to provide effective emergency care using local available resources {By ELISABETH ROENTHAL October,1993} …show more content…

Research showed that there is big gap between nurse knowledge and attitude of Advanced life support for instance, study conducted in Tanzania reveals that more than half (52%) of Nurses in the study had poor knowledge and negative attitude about Advanced Life Support. Fifty-eight percent (58%)of the respondent had negative attitude regarding Advanced Life Support. Study conducted in Indonesia showed that more than half of their study subject (58%) had low Advanced Life Support knowledge and negative attitude on ALS {Kelleher S, Andrews T 2008 Feb} (16). In general, the knowledge and attitude for most medical personnel regarding Advanced Life Support are lower than expected.
There are still no studies done on assessment of Knowledge and Attitude regarding Advanced life support among nurses, anesthesia and general practitioners in Ethiopia.
This study will be emphasized on assessment of knowledge and Attitude regarding Advanced Life Support among health workers.
According to the last two years our observation, most medical personnel who works in Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital is poor awareness about Advanced life support; In addition, there are no studies conducted on Advanced Life Support among all medical workers in FHRH, due to this reason we are interest to conduct our research in knowledge and Attitude