Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Bonded Warehouse

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A bonded warehouse is a place where dutiable goods are stored awaiting customs clearance while not attracting duty charges. A bonded warehouse is mostly found at the terminals e.g sea port, airport, rail terminals. This is where importers can store their goods prior to clearance. It allows storage of goods without payment of duty up to a certain number of days after which duty may be charged if not cleared. Storage and demurrage charges will be charged daily if goods are not cleared within the agreed time period. A bonded warehouse also allows importers to resell the goods while on the warehouse, or even manipulate goods in ways such as repacking, cleaning, sorting, reprocessing etc.

Blind shipment is a cargo shipment that is sent to the importer/recipient without their knowledge. The exporter sends the goods without the knowledge of the receiver. They can either be goods in excess of what was ordered, they could also be a gift or goods that are sent to the wrong consignees. They are referred to blind as the consignees is not aware of their coming to their premises.

A bread bulk on the other hand is a cargo that is consolidated together for easier shipment arrangements. The goods are consolidated and shipped in bulk so as to attract economies of scale and perhaps fit in the designated vessel. Bread bulk is similar to cargo consolidation where the goods from different shippers are consolidated and transported as one.

An Advance Shipping Notice is issued by

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