
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Customer Engagement

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Another form of customer engagement is Influencing behavior. It is the contribution of resources to service firms like knowledge and experience to affect other’s perceptions and preferences regarding service firm. For example customers provide word of mouth or blogging or giving reviews in online platforms to influence other customers or recommend others regarding a particular service (Jakkolaet al.2016).
Another form of customer engagement is Mobilizing behavior. It is the customers’ contribution of resources such as time and relationships to mobilize other’s actions towards the service firm. For example customers mobilizing other people and motivating them to do a particular favor for the service firm (Jakkolaet al.2016).
Value Outcomes of …show more content…

It creates positive benefits for the focal service firm, customers and other stakeholders. It gives recognition to customers which is a form of motivation for them for further interactive and co-creative behavior. Customer engagement also causes in the reduction of anti-social behaviors from the part of customers as it reduces the chances of attrition between customers and service firms. Customer engagement also leads to improved facilities as it will motivate the service firms to improve the service facilities due to customers’ contribution of resources like knowledge sharing and influencing behaviors. It also leads to psychological outcomes for customers like feeling of accomplishment and belongingness towards service firms. By interacting with service firm in co-creative environment customers feel a sense of accomplishment which will induce them for further interactive engagement with the service firms(Jakkolaet …show more content…

It contributes to the emerging customer engagement literature by examining the role of customer engagement in value creation process. Though many studies have been done on the antecedents and consequences of customer engagement very few studies concentrated on the relationship between customer engagement and value co-creation process. This study mainly focused on the conceptually defining the concept of customer engagement and identifying the key drivers of it in a service setting perspective as well as finding the value outcomes of customer engagement. It also identified the main types of customer engagement based on the character of relationship between service firm and customer involvement in the service process. This study also put forward some future research propositions which are based on the nature of relationship between customers and service

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