Body Dissatisfaction And Unconsciously Affected By Social Media

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We live in a world bounded by Media, we can say that we are unconsciously influenced by it. What we listen to, what we watch, what we like and dislike ,how we dress and represent ourselves and even our ideas and thoughts are said to be shaped by the Media. Billboards, cellphones, books, magazines commercials and advertisements not to forget social media from Facebook to Instagram to Myspace and Yahoo etc... All of the latter go under the term Media. With the rise of such technologies and communication techniques people were able to communicate easily entertain themselves and facilitate their lives however many disadvantages appeared such as the lack of interpersonal relationships, autism in children specifically, in addition to some health …show more content…

This theory proposes that people are constantly evaluating themselves, and do so by comparing themselves to others (Festinger,1954).The article highlights two types of social comparisons the upward comparisons and the lower comparisons. Upward comparisons are when people compare themselves to someone else and find themselves to be lacking. Whereas the downward comparisons occur when people compare themselves with others and find the other people lacking. When women compare themselves to thin media figures while evaluating their own attractiveness, and cannot match what is physically portrayed, body dissatisfaction can occur (Tantleff-Dunn &Gokee,2002). Bailey and Ricciardelli(2010) found that upward comparisons are one of the strongest reasons for body dissatisfaction. Women read a lot of health and beauty magazines and watch television on continuous basis the “ideal-thin body image” becomes internalized which results in upward comparison leading to the formation of what is known as body …show more content…

Once schemas are formed, they are stored in long-term memory and act as the foundation for the processing of subsequent interactions with the environment (Taylor & Crocker, 1981). Self-schemas are stable and enduring memory structures about the self that integrate and summarize a person's thoughts, feelings and experiences about the self in a specific behavioral domain (Markus & Sentis, 1982). It can be formed around any aspect of the person, including physical characteristics, social roles, personality traits, skills, competencies, and interests. They are established in domains that the individual values, and they reflect the time and effort invested in the domain (Markus, 1977). To date, studies have documented the availability of self-schemas in a variety of behavioral domains including body weight (Markus, Hamill, & Sentis, 1987) since some people prioritize appearance in their self-schemas; these people are more likely to place more importance on media images and messages about body

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