
Stereotypes Affected By Social Media

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Media: (noun) the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, that reach or influence people widely

The media is how many people in the world communicate, get informed and entertain themselves. What people watch and read could affect their choices in a positive or negative way. Every time you do a Google search, open a book or email, or check your social media profiles there’s a chance that you will see or read something that will change your views towards a single person, group or yourself. Things that used to be seen as unacceptable in society are now seen as okay because of the way they are portrayed by media. People no longer try to research and backup the news they read and so believe that everything they read is true. The longer we allow the media to control the way we look at life the worse our society is going to get. …show more content…

That is probably because they work for it or they have been brainwashed by it. The entertainment industry has managed to make drugs, violence, underage drinking and sex “the norm”. When teenagers and young adults see people do those things in movies, TV shows and read them in books they think that if those characters can do it, then they can too. People also always believe that everything they read on the Internet is true. This can lead to others reputations being destroyed due to rumors being spread and people being hurt due to outrage caused by inaccurate or bias new articles. It is people like that that have caused the downgrade of society and made it an unsafe and unpredictable

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