Should Drugs Be Decriminalized Essay

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Should Drugs be decriminalized?
Illegal use and possession of drugs have been hotly debated lately. Some states have recently even decriminalized the consumption of some of the drugs termed as ‘recreational.’ Although the advocates of decriminalisation of drugs present it as a solution to damage caused by drug related incidents but the advantages of decriminalization have been questioned by the opponent camp. Opponents argue that harms cannot be effectively reduced by decriminalization, on the contrary, the harms linked with consumption of such substances will be increased.
The arguments of the critics are more substantial and logical when compared with the advocates of decriminalization of drugs. Because use of drugs is damaging for communities and users alike. The opponents present huge financial, social and personal costs that are associated with the consumption of drugs as evidence to rationalize their prohibitionist position. On the whole the opponent camp base their arguments on three broad arguments to virtually destroy the arguments of the advocates: limitations to legal consumption of drugs and hike in its costs, criminalization is empirically associated with less overall damage as …show more content…

One of the UN reports on drugs and crimes compiled in 2008 also verified that the restriction has also been successful globally and the users are less today (Costa 3-4). Drug problem stands at 5pc globally in the adults owing to the success of drug control system. This survey is linked with annual prevalence of the drugs amongst the people who used it at least once. This is encouraging as the percentage reported is very low which means the problem has been restricted so far. This destroyed the arguments of the advocates who say the drugs are prevalent everywhere or that drugs are consumed by