Advantages Of Deductive Approach

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DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE GRAMMAR TEACHING; According to Arnis Silvia (2013), grammar teaching is regarded to through two main dimensions; presentation and practice. Relatively, Ellis (2006) claims that grammar teaching contains some instructional techniques that pull and attract the learners to acquire some grammatical forms in a helpful manner that makes them understandable. Furthermore, Ellis (2006) has suggested some linguistic rules in teaching grammar. For the first time, some grammar instructions should be presented without any practice, however, other ones should be practiced without any presentation. Secondly, grammar teaching focuses on the learners’ capacities to find grammatical rules themselves with neither presentation …show more content…

The characteristics of the deductive approach: In his researches about the approaches of teaching grammar, Widodo (2006) has listed a set of the advantages and disadvantages represented in the following table: Advantages 1.The deductive approach goes straightforwardly to the point and can, therefore, be time-saving. 2. A number of rule aspects (for example, form) can be more simply and clearly explained than elicited from examples 3. A number of direct practice/application examples are immediately given. 4. The deductive approach respects the intelligence and maturity of many adult learners in particular and acknowledges the role of cognitive processes in language …show more content…

The sequence in this approach is to prompt the students to find the rules after being exposed to examples. The teacher tries to help his students by showing them a series of examples then guide them to guess to which rule the given examples belong to or deal with (Mautone 2004). " an approach that starts with exposing students to examples of language use or even an immersing them in the use of the target language items and then prompts students to generalize the patterns of the language " (Thornbury, 1999, p180). In the same context, Azmi and Hanna cite that the inductive approach refers to “the style of introducing language context containing the target rules where students can induce those rules through the context and practical examples”. (2008, p.3). To better understand or master grammar rules, the majority of the language experts agree that the inductive approach is crucial in the teaching of grammar. They regard to it as "rule- discovery learning "and consequently, it would be a student-centered approach. The inductive approach is characterized with a series of advantages as well as