White Collar Workers Essay

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Immigration means a situation that a group of people moved from one place to another place with a reasonable reason. Related to this, illegal immigration is that people moved from one place to another place without the prohibition of law and authorization of the country while the legal immigration is that people moved to another place with the acceptance of that country and had been prohibited by the law. The term ‘migrant’ should be basically refers to a ‘migrant worker’ or ‘economic migrant’. This is someone who tried to search for the improving of the economic opportunities abroad. According to the Section 2(1) of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW), …show more content…

The ‘white collar’ people are basically people of highly skilled and they formally trained professionals. What is the example of ‘white collar’ workers? They are normally accountant, doctor, lawyer, engineer, bankers and also real-estate agents who had provide professional services to the clients. The earnings of the ‘white collar’ worker are always higher than the ‘blue collar’ worker. This is because their jobs are generally pay well of their highly and professional education. The ‘blue collar’ worker usually will pay by hour for their job. The ‘white collar’ worker can always stands in contrast with ‘white collar’ worker because of their highly payment salary and highly …show more content…

But it is difficult for the migrant worker to have a safety life in Malaysia as their freedom was limited. Their documents often seized by smugglers and employers. These smugglers like to lie to the migrant workers about the possibilities to work in other country. This had made them desperately arrive legally or illegally to the destination in order to live a better life. Although the migrant worker shad their own human right, but they still will be buried by the smugglers in many situation. This had made them vulnerable to be