Jim Crow Law: Naturalization Of Immigrants In The United States

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Nonresident Alien
Resident Alien
Illegal Alien
Jim Crow Laws
Affirmative Action
Security Classification System
The difference between an immigrant and an alien is that an alien is someone who live in a country where they are not citizens. Immigrants are aliens before they become citizens and intend to live there permanently.
Addressing the issue of citizenship the Constitution mention citizenship only as a qualification for holding national office.
The court remedy the problem of housing pattern creating segregated school district by having the Swann v. Charlotte - Mecklenburg Board of Education. The Voting Right Act of 1965 allows federal registrars to register voter. Griswold v. Connecticut, had Supreme Court rule that personal …show more content…

The meaning of the comment is that Native American, whose presence in the Americas are the only non - immigrants.
22. The term “illegal immigrants” applies to both group in the left. It 's people who came to America.

The National Of Immigrants
Section 1
Immigration Policy
Americans have opposed new waves of immigrants and worried about how they would affect their world.
Latinos,who can be any race, have become the largest group of immigrants.
Technology and the Internet have also presented new challenges for economic competition in the world.
Early Restrictions
The Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to make immigration policy.
Citizenship was possible only for someone who was “a free white person”.
First major law on immigration wa passed in the late 1800s.
Chinese Exclusion Act- No Chinese laborer could enter the United States for 10 years.
National Origins Quota System
The Immigration Act of 1924 introduced a quota system by country, country 's immigrants were limited to 2 percent of foreign-born residents from that country listed in the U.S. Census of 1890.
This formula favored groups that had been in the United States longer.
Immigration Reform Act of …show more content…

Most affirmative action is required by the federal government or the court, but many business use it voluntarily.
Affirmative Action In Education
After the Bakke decision, many colleges were considering race to achieve a diverse student body.
Affirmative Action in Other Areas
In 1995, Adarand Constructors, Inc v. Pena, the court overturned earlier decisions by saying that federal agencies could not automatically favor minority based companies for federal contracts.
Discrimination Against Women
Women did not win the rights to vote until 1920 when the Nineteenth Amendment was adopted.
Supreme court said that discrimination against women did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment because these laws protected the “weaker sex” from the night work.
Reasonableness Standard
In 1977, Court wrote that treating women differently from men cannot be based merely on “old notions” about women and “the role - typing society has long imposed on women”.
Law on Gender Discrimination
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned job discrimination based on