Advantages Of The Maricopa Juvenile Court Program Proposal

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There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to the agency based on research. Advantages of the Maricopa Juvenile Court when implementing such a program proposal would be that it would provide the judges with more sentencing options for convicted youth. It would allow the juvenile justice efforts in Maricopa County to stand out at a national level. Maricopa County would be investing in the rehabilitation and education of juvenile offenders. As a result, improving community safety and preventing crime in their geographic borders.
A disadvantage of the Maricopa Juvenile Court when supporting such a program proposal would be the lack of information prior to its implementation. Maricopa County has limited data regarding their juvenile count and descriptive statistics. As a result, compromising the measurements of effectiveness.
Implications Based on Theory and Prior Research …show more content…

This theory falls under the umbrella of general theories of criminality. It supports the idea that individuals commit crimes as a response to personal strains. This theory fits well into the proposal of a Criminal Justice Education Program as the target population would be juveniles. Juveniles have an inconsistent foundation as they work towards gaining independence and establishing their personal identity.
A research study published in 2018 found that the “...ability to plan and regulate decisions and actions…” does not stabilize until one is in their mid-20s (Blakemore, 2018). The research was developed using a group of 5,404 test subjects from 11 different countries between the ages of 10 and 30 (Blakemore, 2018). Thus, proving that juveniles are more susceptible to reacting to the personal strains and inconveniences they face. According to Agnew (2017), “... strains upset individuals, creating pressure for corrective action” (Agnew,