Summary Of Three Tenets: A Blueprint For Juvenile Justice Reform

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My Three Tenets: A Blueprint for Juvenile Justice Reform After reading Chapter thirteen in our textbook, I learned about the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) and how they created the Blueprint for Juvenile Justice Reform for the entire United States. In that blueprint is the nine basic tenets that is the ground work for juvenile justice reform. The nine basic tenets are: reduce institutionalization, reduce racial disparity, ensure access to quality counsel, create a range of community-based alternatives, recognize and serve youths with specialized needs, create smaller rehabilitative institutions, improve aftercare and reentry, maximize youth, family and community participation, and keep youths out of adult prisons. All of the nine basic tenets are important to juvenile justice reform. However, I can only choose three, and the three I believe to be most important are: Creating a range of community-based alternatives, improving aftercare and reentry, and keeping youths out of adult prisons. …show more content…

The reason this is one of my choices is that I believe a range of community-based alternatives are very beneficial to the needs of most juveniles and is also less costly. By having different community-based alternatives many juveniles can be sentenced to home confinement, community service, counseling, etc. which will keep the juvenile offender out of a detention center or from being incarcerated. I truly believe that juveniles should be given different alternatives, especially if it keeps the juvenile from being