Juvenile Justice System: Where We Face, And Where Changes Should Star

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The Juvenile Justice System is something that is often overlooked but there are so many things wrong with it. The things I know about the Juvenile Justice is that when a minor begin to commit crimes they have to deal with the juvenile system which is associated with lawyers, judges, police officers and probation officer. They court hearing and deal with the crimes that the juvenile has done. Most systems place the minors in juvenile centers or detentions but other gets trial as adults. Two articles found on the Florida Southwestern College Library database discussed the Juvenile Justice System, how to make it better and the child trial as adult problem. This topic is important to me because I dream to become a Juvenile Probation Officer and I know these problems will be something I will have to deal with. …show more content…

Mason, he address the issue about juveniles being charged as adults. According to Jeremy Mason (2016), he states that “Oklahoma’s juvenile justice system, like most others, began with the idea that any delinquent child [must] be treated, not as a criminal, but as misdirected and misguided, and needing aid, encouragement, help and assistance. Although that statutory language was modified in 1968, the legislative focus remained exclusively on rehabilitation until 1982. After that, the legislative focus expanded to include the prevention of delinquency and the protection of the public.” I like that he points out that these kids should not be treated as criminals because some of them have problems of feeling neglected by their parents and that's why most of them act out. Most of them that are in the system have problems, whether it's because of their parents or friends, environment etc there is a reason to why they would do certain