Advantages Of The North In The Civil War

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The North had several great advantages over the South that led to their Victory in the Civil War. One of the advantages was that they had many factories that mass produced firearms, iron, clothes, shoes, railroad cars and railroad tracks. This helped the North tremendously by giving them easier access to firearms, cannons, ammunition and armor plated suits that helped protect their soldiers. Their textile factories helped produce clothes, uniforms, blankets, packs, and boots which aided their soldiers greatly. The railroad helped them by exporting and importing important goods such as gunpowder and transporting their soldiers. The North had a large population of people which led to more workers for the factories, railroad systems and farming. …show more content…

General Winfield Scott helped the North by creating a plan to have the Navy form a blockade along Southern ports and the Mississippi River, which was called the Anaconda Plan. The Navy also helped capture New Orleans, which was the South’s largest port. These blockades devastated the South and attributed greatly to their demise. The North also had many private ships which were used to export and import goods. The North had a large disadvantage, which was that they were fighting in the South’s territory. They did not know the lay of the land and were ambushed frequently during the war. There was also a large expanse of land to cover which made it hard for their soldiers during the Civil War. The South has several advantages although not as many as the North. They didn’t have as many solders as the North, due to their small population. But the people they did have fighting on their side were very well trained soldiers, generals, and snipers; due to their many training facilities. This led to their soldiers have a good morale, along with the fact that they were fighting to protect their way of life. The Civil war was also fought on southern soil giving the South a great advantage since they knew the lay of the land and could take advantage of the Northern