Why Did The North Won The Civil War Essay

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Who won really won the civil war? Who benefitted the most after, who came out on top, and who achieved what they wanted to? Some may argue that in war there are no winners, but the North definitively came out on top after the civil war. Coming out of the war the North had a stable economy, more political power, had united the country, and ended slavery. Coming out of the war the South’s economy was in shambles, they failed to succeed from the Union, their free labor was gone, their agricultural land was destroyed, and they had to rebuild. For these reasons and many more the North was the real winner of the civil war. Economy, something that is knowing to go up and down all the time. In most situations people would expect war to stress the economy or destroy it. This was not the case for the North. The North’s economy did better during the war. The North’s and South’s economies were based on two different types of work. The Southern economy was based on agriculture and free labor, while the Northern economy was based on industry. The need …show more content…

Sine the South succeeded they lost a lot of the representation they had in politics. This left the democratic party weakened and the Republicans with all the power. Also, the larger population in the North gave it more voting power. Reconstruction plans like the 10% plan or the Wade Davis bill stripped most of the Southerners of their political power. Some even talked about the states completely losing state-ship by succeeding from the Union. Southerners who couldn’t vow that they never betrayed the union were not allowed to vote and therefore were stripped of their political power. The North for once also had the population majority due to all the immigration happening. The bulk of the political choices therefore would be made with a republican bias. Wit this they won office coming into the twentieth century and destroyed the populist