Essay On Why Did The South Win The Civil War

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In the studying of the civil war we have always read about the clear defeat of the confederacy. The question runs through our head “was there any way that the south could have won?”. To rationalize this thought would mean talking hypothetically if certain events and plans had not happened. But even so the war would have to been played out perfectly by the south for them to win but first we must look at events that lead to the downfall of the south. One of the first things I believe that could have helped the south won was if England came into the war as the south's ally. One of the difficulties for the south during the war was not only funding their war efforts but being able to get supplies for their army. The south first in the war needed to prove to the british that they could win this war but lost in the battle of Antietam. This loss made the british lose interest in being an ally with the south the british then turned to egypt for cotton. With no ally and no one to sell cotton to the south's economy then crashed. This made for limited supply of everything for the rebels which was one of the handicaps that lead to the south's demise. On the other hand the North's economy relied heavily on manufacturing and remained steady throughout the war. This gave the north an endless stream of …show more content…

In this battle the south large numbers and was a bitter defeat. General Lee wanted to invade North and picked his battle at Gettysburg. One of the big reasons that the south lost badly at gettysburg was because of the absence of J.E.B Stuart was the head of general Lee’s cavalry division. At that time J.E.B Stuart was on a supposedly on a “joyride” in the north. Without him and his cavalry General Lee was practically blind going into battle. If J.E.B Stuart had been there and used his cavalry for reconnaissance General lee would have known the union's position and would have most likely won the