What If The South Won The Civil War Essay

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History Project Austin Bonds History 1301 Wooten Alternate History What If the South would have won the Civil War? If Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox never occurred, How drastic would the ripple have on major future events and catastrophes? The North winning the Civil war had a huge impact on America and what it is today. If we reverse the winner of that event then, at least Temporarily, the US would have remained fractured and there would be a North and a South. Also the South would most likely have slavery which would give them a manpower advantage over the North. However, the South would have become much poorer as the years went by. The north had capitalism and machines which is more efficient for the economy, creating a stronger nation. If the south would’ve won, America might not even be here today. The German Army could probably achieved world dominance if it hadn't been for the US intervening in the World Wars. If the south had won there would be two separate nations, and …show more content…

The US fascists ran on anti-Native rhetoric since they blamed anti-US Native tribes for their defeat in 1777 to the British, and begin rounding up the Natives into "Reservations". Eventually the anti-Native discrimination turns into genocide as the US tries to make the western land fit for white settlement. TTL's WW2 ends in a US defeat, but only after much of the Great Plains and Midwest are destroyed in the ravages of war, causing a worldwide famine. The British are brutal in their occupation of America, and soon resentment in America leads to the creation of an underground terrorist organization bent on regaining American independence. For the rest of the 20th and into the 21st centuries Britain is caught in an Iraq-style situation with America, as well as similar movements across their