Advertisers Target Youth

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Advertisers target the youth without them knowing. You might think that ads only appear on your TV screen but think again because ads are everywhere. Advertisers target specific people because they know that the people the target will buy there product. First I will be telling you about who do they target. Advertisers target young children more. The reason is because children have the power to manipulate their parents to buy what they want. Another reason is because when children grow up to be adults they will still use the product that they used as a kid. In the article “Advertisers target Hispanic and Black youth with unhealthy snacks” says that ‘In 2014,black children saw 64% more snacks food ads on TV compared to white children, and black teens viewed 103% more compared to white teens and in the same article it says that ‘In 2014, companies spent more than $45 million to advertise snack foods on Spanish-language TV, a decline of 6% versus 2010. Next I’m going to tell you the techniques of advertising. …show more content…

Bandwagon makes it seem that everyone is buying this product, so you feel you should buy it,too. Avant-garde is the opposite of bandwagon. Advertisers make it seem that the product is so new that you will be the first on the block to have it. Testimonial uses both celebrities and regular to endorse products.Facts and figures use statistics, percentages,and numbers are used to convince you that this product is better or more effective than another product. The transfer technique wants you to associate the good feeling created in the ad with the product. That are all the way that advertizer can convince you to buy to product. Finally I am going to talk about where the ads