
Aerial Volcano Essay

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Guidebook for Aerial Volcano

Formation of Aerial Volcano
What is a volcano?

What is a volcano?
A volcano is a mountain that extends downwards to a pool of molten rock called magma below the Earth’s surface. When the pressure inside the Earth builds up, a volcanic eruption occurs. Magma shoots up through the opening and flows down the sides. Volcanoes can also spew volcanic ash when it erupts.

What is pyroclastic flow?
Aerial Volcano is an active stratovolcano that erupts pyroclastic flow.
Pyroclastic flows are high-density currents of hot gases and volcanic fragments that move away from the volcano at a high speed. Pyroclastic flows can rush down the side of the volcano as fast as 100km/hour or more and reach temperatures as high as 1075°C.
Pyroclastic flow is arguably the deadliest volcanic hazard. It is impossible to outrun. Those who get caught in it will be unable to breathe, and most likely burn to death.

How was Aerial Volcano formed?
Aerial …show more content…

The mitigation measure chosen is the prediction of volcanic eruptions by monitoring the activity of Aerial Volcano.

Importance of Mitigation Measure
Predicting the volcanic eruption is an extremely important mitigation measure. It will allow for early evacuation of the people on Aerial Island, especially those living in areas with high volcanic hazard risk. This means that more people will be further away from Aerial Volcano when it erupts, and that they will be in zones of relatively less volcanic hazard risk. Hence, more people will be saved, and the loss of lives will be reduced, thus, reducing the damaging effects of the unavoidable volcanic eruption.

Explanation of Mitigation Measure
There are several methods of monitoring the activity of Aerial Volcano to predict a volcanic eruption. They include seismic monitoring, the monitoring of gas emissions and the monitoring of ground deformation using global positioning systems. (Mitigation of Volcanic Risk,

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