Health Care Beliefs

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Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to determine the health care beliefs and practices of the Aetas in the rural communities. Likewise, this study aimed to determine the factors that may have affected these health care beliefs and practices of the Aetas.
Participants, Sampling and Setting
The participants of this study are the 9 prominent Aetas, 6 of them were Aeta women who have experienced pregnancy or pregnant during the time this study was conducted. Purposive sampling was used to identify the informants of the study. It is a form of sampling in which the selection of the sample is based on the judgment of the researcher based on the criteria set in the study. The researchers chose Aetas who had met these criteria …show more content…

The Aeta women were interviewed regarding their personal health care beliefs and practices.
Stage 4: Collecting data from other sources
After the observations and interviews made by the researchers, documents that reflected the health care of Aetas in the rural communities were examined. At the same time, the researchers gathered information through documents related to health care among indigenous people.
Data Analysis Procedure
The analysis in this study involved four phases, namely; (1) The researchers collected, documented, and described the data taken from the informants; (2) The researchers transcribed the data gathered through interview; (3) The researchers identified the significant details and categorized descriptors and components. Repeated descriptions were noted and patterns of beliefs and practices of the Aetas with regards to health care were identified; and (4) Major themes were identified and were compared to the etic views and descriptions of health care.

Results and Discussions The results of this study and its discussion is presented by stage in the human life cycle of the Aetas. Such stages are presented …show more content…

As a result, they make use of “labigan”(locally herb) and “kusol” (locally grown herb) to ward them off.Actions like squatting and sitting at the doorway for a pregnant Aeta (during pregnancy) is not allowed for such action would have bad effects to the baby.
They also believe in chants. The most common is “tuyaw” (the term used when one greets another and unconsciously inflicts illness to another) or “usog” (the dialect term for the chant). These are said to cause pain in one’s stomach that may lead to vomiting or even worse, death. Placing a towel on the shoulders during pregnancy is not allowed to avoid difficult delivery. Pregnant Aeta women are advised not to peep in the coffin because the baby inside the womb may die. They are prohibited by the elders to go out at night because it is bad for the baby.
If pregnant woman is sick, they utilize herbal medicines such as:a combination of buyo (betel leaf), tabako (tobacco), bunga (betel nut sap), and slightly soaked apog (lime) applied on the stomach for stomach