Afl Website Analysis

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The website which I have chosen to analyze is the website. This website is a Australian football league website, which is a sport mainly played and broadcasted in Australia. This AFL website is officially made and updated by the Australian football association. The ideas included in the website are not biased informative articles, videos, tables, pictures, graphs, and statistics.
This website is mainly targeted towards fans of the AFL. This is due to the lack of simplicity in the website layout, and there is no description of what the website is about once entering it. I believe that AFL fans and people who have comprehensive knowledge of the sport will be able to navigate the website freely without any confusion. People who have …show more content…

The sponsorships by the clubs do not make the news and information bias. The information is ran through the Australian football league, and is made sure that the information posted is from a non bias source. All the injury and club news are accurate because it is ran through the club, for example if a player is injured the club informs the AFL who then gets the detailed information from the medical staff, who then give the Australian football league association the information which is posted onto the AFL.COM website. Ethos and pathos is used in the AFL.COM website from many different forms. The first way they use ethos is when a player is injured the headline may say “gun player to miss round 1”. The website is set out like this so the reader will feel sorry for the player, and want to find out more information which would mean they have to click on the headline to find out the detailed information. Another form of ethos is used by the video content of match highlights. When you watch the highlights of the game it may motivate you to go out and kick the football, or even join a team. This is a way of promoting the sport to people, which will get the sport more followers and players. Logos is an important part of the AFL.COM website. Logos is used in many different forms such as statistics and quotes from press conferences. On the website you will find all sorts of statistics from each AFL match. This influences the reader to read more about how each match was played, and who should have won based on the statistics. Logos is also used to show the readers what times each game starts and where to watch it. For example you will see ‘Adelaide vs Melbourne on Saturday’. The reader will then want to know what time so they will click on the ‘match centre’ button which will lead them to another page that shows