Essay On Political Differences Between India And South Africa

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After WWII, the world was divided as a result of a battle of ideas. Countries all around the world developed different economies and political systems, choosing to be governed by a government, or by a market. These choices caused different economic outcomes and issues, varying from region to region. From post WWII to the present, the regions of Africa and South Asia were different in their political systems and economic outcomes, even though they experienced similar economic policies and issues. With the exception of South Africa, most African nations chose authoritarian regimes as a form of government, differing from India, where people followed a more democratic path. In mid 1960s, after national independencies from European imperialists, several African democratic governments were replaced with military …show more content…

By the end of the century, most northern and western African countries had totalitarian or undemocratic regimes and legacies of violence. In South Asia, specifically India, multi party democracies were established after independencies from European colonists. Although India had one national party called the Congress Party, this political group included several parties with different ideologies and interests that people could choose from democratically. There was few civil discord, since the division of India and Pakistan eliminated any cultural differences capable of creating political issues. Ever since its independence, India acquired a Western form of political government, allowing elections, civil rights, and political order. While Africa was filled with political chaos after their independence, India had a more peaceful, democratic path. This is because India had more nationalism and cultural unity than any of the other African countries. It had created a new nation for Muslims, Pakistan; thus, it was a country of united people, united by the same traditions, beliefs and customs. In addition, India,

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