Ap World History Comparative Essay

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During 600 BCE and 600 CE, many countries was going through a drastic change. When analyzing early civilizations, it’s evident there is similarities and differences. The Middle East, China, and Africa were among few countries that advanced during this aeon. All of these empires within the countries have risen and fallen, developing these civilizations to what we know of today. The comparison between the Middle East, China, and Africa resembled in abounding ways. One way they all relate was through their religion: they are all polytheistic, the belief in more than one deity. The people believed that these deities, sometimes their ruler, controlled the forces of nature. For example, if there is a period of drought, they would pray to the gods …show more content…

One way is that they all differentiate socially. Each of the countries had their own systems of structure; the Middle East was considered an hierarchy, people who ranked above one another (i.e. king, working class, and slaves at the bottom). China was considered an absolute monarchy, where the emperor appointed officials he, or she, wanted. Africa was considered a theocracy, where a king/priest ruled in the name of the god(s). Another difference between the three countries is the treatment of women during the time period. Women in the Middle East enjoyed partial freedom; higher classed women could own property, and the boys were able to attend school, while the girls were home-schooled. In China, women had little freedom, and remained subservient to men. While in Africa, women had little political power, but could own property, make contracts, divorce, and pursue legal disputes. All of these empires within the countries have risen and fallen, developing these civilizations to what we know of today. While many of the countries during this time period had their positives, they also had their negatives. Because of this, it shaped how society and the world functions today, learning from superior to the worse. If everything was the same back in this time period, would have the world made a lot of