African American Family History Lesson Plan

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The lesson plan that I enacted for this assignment was a history lesson focusing on using the skill of comparing and contrasting in order to compare life in the past to life today (D2.His.2.K-2.). More specifically, students were tasked with visually comparing and contrasting their own families to a mid-1700s African American family. Overall this lesson was highly ineffectively (with no students offering specific, acceptable comparisons or contrast between themselves and the family in the photo) due to insufficient background knowledge of how to compare and contrast, students’ lack of writing ability and lack of engagement in the lesson by students. First, it became apparent soon into the lesson that students lacked sufficient background in both conceptual understanding of how to compare and contrast and on historical understanding. While my student interviews indicated that my students had some understanding of what …show more content…

Due to my student’s lack of historical understanding, I do not think they were able to grasp the great time difference between themselves and the family in the photo, and because of that, they were unmotivated to engage in the process of comparing and contrasting themselves to the family in the past. Had they been able to effectively grasp the difference in time, I think they would have been more willing to grapple with the similarity and differences that they could see. In future lessons, I would want to find ways to help make my students more engaged in the lesson. Specifically, I think I would want to create a story about the family in the lesson and present the family to my students in the form of a read aloud. While this may cause the lesson to lose historical authenticity, the objective for this lesson is to practice comparing and contrasting and therefore, making the subject matter more entertaining will encourage students to engage in the