
African-American Heritage In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Everyday Use is a short story written by Alice Walker which is about African-American heritage. The story is set in rural Georgia featuring Mrs. Johnson who we intimately called mama and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. Mama’s perceptions of Dee and Maggie are very different. In the beginning, she is comparing her younger daughter Maggie to a dog who’s run over by a car. She says that “Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure.” It is a huge prejudice mama has on Maggie. Mama is very furtive in confident one while Dee is the one runs over everyone. Maggie has not educated and she was hurt in the house fire. However, she is going to marry a man with mossy teeth. They don't match, but it is love. And the heritage of Johnson’s
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