African American Imperialism In Congo

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The legacy of colonization in the African country of Congo has been incredibly devastating. Both the people and the economy were dealt a low blow by King Leopold of Belgium’s invidious, violent regime from 1885-1908. Leopold’s soldiers committed acts so barbaric towards the Congolese that Europeans did not believe the reports of it at first. Following his rule, the actual Belgian government reluctantly took over the Congo. Congo finally gained independence in the early 1960s. The country’s distressing past caused multiple fractures in the Congo’s social hierarchy and economy. In the short term, women in Congo lost much of their power - both economic and social. However, a lasting repercussion of Leopold’s rule has been the substantial poverty evident in the country. Women’s power in Congolese society was significantly diminished during, and shortly after Congo became self-ruling. In an excerpt from the Watson Institute for International Studies’ Colonization and Independence in Africa publication, a description of the authority women lost during the colonial period is provided: “Prior to colonialism, many African societies had female representation in government, and women played important roles. African women lost a great deal… European …show more content…

The social power women had in the short term, and the economy up until now. A passage of the Conquest, Conflict, and Commerce text from the Watson Institute reveals how the Congolese population fell by “nearly 50%” after colonization. Death transpired in any number of ways, ranging from being executed and “dying in battles of resistance”, to “overwork and famine”. Undoubtedly, the people of Congo suffered drastically from colonization. Though Congo did eventually gain independence in 1960, the effects of its occupancy can still be felt today. Thus, the overall legacy of colonization in Congo is disastrous and