
African Slave Labor Essay

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Africa, Slavery and Today
Slavery was so widely used in the New World for many reasons one being the colonist needed to create steady cashflow. After conquering the land, murdering the Natives while collecting all of the silver and gold. The colonist needed to continue to live in the land as well as continuing to create wealth for the royal family as well as themselves. Europeans turned primarily to Africa as the source of enslaved laborers because unlike other slaves they came without deals or contracts, meaning they could not buy themselves out. It was residual money for the colonist because of reproduction. Also Africans had the skills needed to ten to the crops. issues that the colonist were enduring at the time such as not being skilled …show more content…

115 Watson) Europeans turned to Africa as the source of enslaved laborers because they solved many of the issues they had come into after conquering the new land after exasperating the use of Natives. The Colonist also attempted using white labores such as British labores to solve some of their issues. Colonist enslaved these laborers under contract. Many of these laborers came willingly to the Americas, completed their work and created a new life as land owners in the Americas. “About 40 percent of the roughly 300,000 European immigrants were bound servants of some kind, including some 50,000 British convicts.” (p. 113 Watson) Before Africans were labeled as non human they were able to pay their debts and live as free as the whites. African did not blend in with the whites of natives, so If Africans tried to escape they were easily identifiable. Unlike the Native, Africans could navigate the land, making escape hard. Africans had the skills to tend to the crops unlike the colonist, so essentially the colonist needed them to turn crops into money. When enslaving from African this was a for life indenture, babies of Africans were to carry this burden for life reproducing creating evolving money of wealth the colonist. “Almost half were captive Africans like Venture Smith, but slightly more came from Europe, especially Britain, Ireland, and Germany.” (p. 113 …show more content…

Slavery created a identifiable separation of color. This separation was a way the colonist not only maintained their dominance of the land they stole but it created generational wealth for over three decades. Europeans turned primarily to Africa as the source of enslaved laborers, because it was essentially free labor. Colonist used slaves from Africa to tend to crop, since the colonist themselves lacked skills in agriculture needed to tend to the crops. These crops were needed to continue to make money for the colonist so again in return, slavery created generational wealth to the colonist. and how The legacy of slavery and the racial ideology it encouraged still affect us today. There is still human slavery happening today. Slavery also encouraged the hierarchy system, and kept them from being considered the poorest no matter their status. We now face the result of slavery, which are considered the crimes against

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