Age Of Exploration Dbq Essay

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Age of exploration Dbq 90% of the Native Americans population was killed by European colonizers’ harsh treatment. These colonizers came during the Age of Exploration which was a time when Europeans, especially Spaniards, came and enforced very harsh treatment on Native AmericansWhen the Europeans were coming over they were searching for gold,land and other resources that Europe did not provide. Due to the Europeans the native americans were exposed to warfare,disease,and had their resources taken from them which made them suffer badly. The first reason the Native Americans suffered was disease. ¨There came among us a great sickness,a general plague. It raged among us, killing vast numbers of people¨ (Doc.2). The Spaniards brought smallpox …show more content…

During this time Europeans were very greedy,they felt like they had a need for gold and kept on going and going in the pursuit of gold. This greed led to wars with the native americans and the native americans got burned which was a torture method (Doc.5). War is bad as it is but during this time period the native americans had very unadvanced tech while the Spanish had very advanced technology. According to history junk ¨There was not a single tribe that had a formidable navy. Even after they acquired horses and became excellent horsemen they did not have strong cavalry, and the list can go on¨(history junkie). That is saying that the native americans didnt have a navy and the spanish had a very strong navy so the spanish completly dominated the native americans. Html states, ¨A Spanish military expedition begins four years of marauding large Native settlements, ranging across the region now known as peninsular Florida to northern Arkansas and eastern Texas. Hernando de Soto (one of the conquerors of the South American Inka Empire) commands, inflicting significant casualties¨(Html). This is another of the factors that impacted native