Age Of Reason Research Paper

448 Words2 Pages

Maya Horta

The Age of Reason is known for its rationality because of the new belief that God did not play a hand in the daily lives of people. Today is known for courage because of people's strength to stand up for what they believe. The age of reason was known for the change from faith to reason. In the early 1700’s, people believed that God caused all sickness, while in the Age of reason people began to believe that in reality, God just watched from afar. Americans began to develop medicine and healthy practice as they realized that God was not a motivation. People began to enjoy non fiction such as political documents, speeches, and pamphlets. For the first time, America thought rationally and worked to better society, be it via new medicine or non fiction writing so everyone was well informed. In the most recent age of America, we are known for our courage. With the creation of technology came social media, where anyone can connect to the world and share their opinion. Many are unafraid to speak out against the tragedies of the world or even simple things such as how you eat or live. Many go online and daily speak their minds to a friend, a stranger, an enemy, or even to anyone who will listen. People are not afraid to speak against the president because in the USA, people have freedom of speech. The words written could be hurtful or nice but …show more content…

While back then there was a focus on the real and the living, today many enjoy reading or watching about a different and much more interesting world- a paradise, almost. Today, people seem much more fascinated with fiction rather than reality, while back in the age of reason people were focused on improving health. The two ages are similar because in the past and in today's America works for the betterment of USA’s society and general quality of life. One would say the only difference between the two is the advancements in science and