Age Related Hearing Loss Essay

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Page Title: Age-Related Hearing Loss and Its Causes | Allan Forrest
Meta Description: Learn more about age-related hearing loss, the reason you have difficulty hearing as you age, and the ways to treat the problem in this post.
Sounds Painful: Why You Lose Your Hearing Ability as You Age
When you grow old, you’ll go through a lot of age-related changes – shrinking height and loss of memory, muscle mass, and hearing. There are many ways to prevent these from happening or, at the very least, keep them at bay as much as possible.

But the fact that these changes happen at some point in your life is a reality you need to accept. Think of it as preparing for your future with aged care …show more content…

Learn more about the many changes your mind and body will go through as you age. Start with the loss of hearing that happens with age.

What is age-related hearing loss?
The condition gradually occurs as you grow older, commonly affecting the elderly and older adults.
In Australia, the number of individuals affected by hearing loss is expected to increase by 2050, what with its increasing ageing population. From 1 in 6, it could double or triple. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then if half of the people in age care Melbourne facilities are hard of hearing.
Although there is a range of factors and behaviours that contribute to hearing loss, age is on top of the list. An estimated 3.55 million or 17% of the population have been affected, with males more vulnerable than females according to a 2005 study.

Why do you lose your hearing as you age?
Most often, age-related hearing loss affects both ears equally. Because it occurs gradually, you may not even notice that you already lost some of your ability to hear.
As previously mentioned, many factors contribute to hearing loss. In older people, the most common culprits are health conditions that can affect the ears, such as diabetes and high blood