Ager And Strang Model Of Refugee Integration

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3.3 Ager & Strang model of refugee integration Integration has become both a key policy objective related to the resettlement of refugees and other migrants (Ager and Strang, 2008) As I mentioned in the previous chapters refugee integration has identified as a chaotic concept and there is not specific standard definition for the refugee integration (Castles et al., 2001). As a solution Ager and Strang has introduced a theoretical framework for refugee integration and it has mentioned key indicators of the refugee integration (Ager and Strang, 2004). The framework specified ten core domains in that shape understanding of the concept of integration. The domains cover achievement access across the sectors of employment, housing, education, health assumptions and practice regarding citizenship and rights, processes of social connections within and between the groups in the community, at the end they mention some barriers for the successful integration in the host country for refugees; language and cultural knowledge and fear and instability. (Ager and Strang, 2008: 185). In this research I have my major focus on social integration of refugees which focus on refugee’s social life, social connection, social network, social ties, bonds as social integration can be seen as a dynamic and principled process where all members participate in dialogue to achieve and maintain peaceful social relations ( Therefore, I am focusing Ager and Strang’s one of the major domain of