Aging Is Not Depressing To Age Essay

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It is not Depressing to Age Why do some people find it depressing to age? Aging is something people can find terrifying or, in some cases, depressing. Aging shouldn’t be something to be depressed about. It should be something that should be appreciated that some have the ability to age. Than have their life cut short in a moments notice. It is not depressing to age because aging just shouldn’t be depressing, aging is something people should be excited about, and aging shouldn’t be feared. Aging shouldn’t be a depressing thing to think about. People are incapable of controlling on how anyone will age, on what day they age; how they look when one ages. There are most depressing things in life than aging like, how some people’s life is cut short because of someone else’s actions, the choices they make in their life; the way they behave when dangerous events occur. There is no reason to be depressed over age. Just simply live life at the fullest. Make everything of the life that is given now and do as much as possible before the big day comes. Aging should be something everyone should be excited about. Aging ensures that almost anyone is capable of doing things that they couldn’t have as a child. Some examples include driving, making one’s own decisions in life, going to …show more content…

I’m not depressed to age, it’s part of life and I have accepted that. I’m trying to do everything I can before I get old and become incapable of really moving the way I currently am. Aging is something amazing, it is incredible to know that everyday we age and get a bit older and somehow never realize it or think about it until someone brings it up or it just comes to mind

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