Aging Policy In America Essay

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Aging policy in America has caused on three domains of security for elders: economic security, health security, and functional security (Chernof, 2011). In the years to follow the crisis of the aging Americans, will need comprehensive intervention that will impact older Americans and what’s really in it for Elders. In devising a plan to ensure that the planners, government, private agencies, health care and service organizations are all devoted to providing and caring for the aging. Significant demographic changes in the history of the American people in this century.
As the aging population age Affordable Care Act plays a significant role, and provide a sound understanding of the direction that the health field in the wave of the standard of care in the U.S. aspired to in the future. On March 23, 2010, The Affordable Care Act was signed and became law. The policy divided into two parts, one being the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. According to ACA as part of this policy which will provide opportunities for older adults, caregivers and individuals with disabilities as stated by the Administration for Community Living in the U.S.
While much of the focus of the health reform legislation …show more content…

Since the main focus will be on participant-centered home and community-based supports and services. Then we will look at promoting better health through health education, assessments, and how disease prevention and health promotion programs can go a long way in keeping and providing a healthy lifestyle. Last taking a look at how this policy will help with losing costs through efficient, high-quality services, the effect of the payment system reform, and spotting and preventing fraud a sound education that will assist in the overall

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